Liquor License in San Francisco

Includes the San Francisco surrounding cities from Oakland, Alameda, Concord, Berkeley, Alameda,  and more



Our specialty is brokering (buying and selling alcohol licenses) for the lowest fees.

Buy a License to Sell Alcohol

Our database consists of a large number of current liquor licenses that are available in San Francisco for sale.

If the license you need for your business is not on our database, we can find and transact the purchase for you.

Our resources are extensive from having been built over many years of experience in this industry.

You Want to Sell Your Liquor License

Our database includes many pre-qualified San Francisco buyers that are looking to purchase a liquor license for their business.  

We also provided services to find a buyer for your alcohol license if none of our buyers in our database fits your needs.

Since we arrange financing for buyers, it makes it easier for you to sell your license.  

Liquor License in San Francisco Experts

We are the San Francisco experts in alcohol license acquisition and sales.

Our experience covers all aspects of license transactions, whether you need to buy or sell one.

Because of our extensive database, we can provide better services than our competitors.  Call us if you have any questions.

Liquor License in San Francisco including Oakland, Alameda, Concord, Berkeley, Alameda

Buying or Selling a Liquor License in San Francisco

Liquor License Network is the best consulting firm to call when buying or selling a liquor license in San Francisco.  We have compiled a database of licenses owned by various buyers / sellers of alcohol beverages.  These include many restaurants, lounges and bars, hotels, mini-marts, grocery stores and any other business that sells liquor.  Our 25+ years in the industries has enabled us to experience many scenarios involved in license transactions, and we can answer any question, provide answers to problematic situations, or help you with the entire liquor license application process.

Our Search for Buyers or Sellers in San Francisco is Technology Driven

Because we keep track of all recent liquor license sales in San Francisco, we understand the market.  This means that we know what the going rates are for the purchase or sale of alcohol licenses.  You will not be taken advantage of.  A successful purchase / sale depends on both side being satisfied, or it will not happen.  Let us represent you so that you can be assured that the transaction is competitive and one of current market value.  Our negotiations will result in the transaction being closed.

We understand the requirements of conditional use permits as well as local zoning applications.  Our added value is our ability to know the market, having the data to support your position in buying or selling a liquor license in San Francisco.

San Francisco and the Rest of California

Although we specialize in brokering liquor licenses in San Francisco, we also have records from throughout California.  Therefore, our pool of resources extends beyond just that of San Francisco.  This widens the pool for finding the seller or buyer of your liquor license.  Utilizing our services at Liquor License Network means that your anxiety and stress over obtaining a liquor can be alleviated.  Call us at (800) 735-9073 so we can help you achieve your goals as effortlessly as possible!

Our Mission

Liquor License Network’s mission is to provide the very best services in brokering a liquor license in San Francisco.  There are various types of liquor licenses, and our knowledge and experience in the industry allows us to help our clients achieve their licensing goals with minimum stress and frustration.  Our experience includes liquor licenses in San Francisco ranging from convenience stores, restaurants, discount stores, resorts, stadiums and any other type of business that sells alcohol.  Our guiding hand services will save time, money and hassles, so contactcontact us now for assistance. 

California Constitution Article XX State Control of Liquor Sales Applies to San Francisco

The State of California, subject to the internal revenue laws of the United States, shall have the exclusive right and power to license and regulate the manufacture, sale, purchase, possession and transportation of alcoholic beverages within the State, and subject to the laws of United States regulating commerce between foreign nations and among the sate shall have the exclusive right and power to regulate the importation into and exportation from the State, of alcoholic beverages. In the exercise of these rights and powers, the Legislature shall not constitute the State or any agency thereof a manufacturer or seller of alcoholic beverages.

All alcoholic beverages may be bought, sold, served, consumed, and otherwise disposed of in premises which shall be licensed as provided by the Legislature. In providing for the licensing of premises, the Legislature may provide for the issuance of, among other licenses, licenses for the following types of premises where the alcoholic beverages specified in the licenses may be sold and served for consumption upon the premises.

Click HERE to read the full article.

Liquor License in San Francisco including Oakland, Alameda, Concord, Berkeley, Alameda

Need help with a liquor license in San Francisco?

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